Who Do We Think We Are?

Welcome, thanks for stopping by! We are Joodie (say Judy) and TBG (The Big Guy) and we have enjoyed exploring together since we met in 1996. We like to go out in nature and walk around in what we think are interesting places. To mix it up, we frequently bike and, every once in a while, we get into some sort of watercraft instead.

In September 2018, we jettisoned almost everything we owned, and hit the road to travel full-time and find even more interesting places to hike. We think we kicked ass in that regard during the 3.5 years we traveled. On May 1, 2022, we came off the road, landing — much to our astonishment — back in Washington state, to settle in the city of Sequim on the Olympic Peninsula.

Near the end of each calendar year, I archive a year’s-worth of posts to a separate blog that can be accessed by clicking the Archives label in the header on the home page or here. If that’s not enough for ya, you can find all my really old stuff by clicking the Before There Was Here label or here.

Meet TBG

He is so called because the top of his head comes in at a cool 6’5″. He is the Chief Trail Sign Pointer, Bike Fixer, RV Mechanic, and Leathercrafter (he scratch-made those boots in the photo above!) He takes most of the really good photos. He also offers suggestions on what I should write about that I occasionally actually consider. His other interests consist of me, and the things I decide we like to do.

Meet Me

I am the Wordsmith, Head Route-Planner, Chef, Occasional Rig Driver, and Lover of All Critters. In my opinion, if no critters are espied during an outing, we may as well have stayed home and watched nature shows. I frequently call them by names other than what they are, usually ones I’ve fabricated, so you’ll want to watch out for that as you read my posts. That’s really all you need to know about me.

Meet Essie


Essie is a 38’ 2005 Newmar Dutch Star. To find out how I arrived at the name, click here. To get to know her better, click here. We towed a 2014 Honda CR-V named Hond, the Dutch word for dog, because it followed the Dutch Star around, hence was a Dog Star.